so last holiday I had 2 weeks off for school but I still had to go school because I  joined an extracurricular jamadagni we have to come to school for 'pra-pendidikan dasar' in pra pendidikan we do a lot of things like latihan fisik,simulasi long march,cek alat,and cek medis.All of that are so important for pendidikan dasar so we must do that.Pendidikan dasar is held for 8 days from 26 december 2019 until 2 january 2020.26 december we went  to school for pendidikan dasar opening ceremony in lapangan sma negeri 3 bandung,after that we say good bye to our parents I feel sad because it was my fisrt time not celebrating new year with my family,but I  celebrating in forest with my friends and its kinda something new to me.Arter saying good bye we go off to panaruban,subang.on our way there, there were a really bad traffic of about 2 hours that resulted in us becoming really bored during the drive.We arrived about 2pm I think and the air is different between in the city,it fresh and a little bit cold and there were a fog.We get ready for long march is about 3 hours I think to go to the forest.After we arrived we made a shelthering like bivak ponco and api unggun.
 The next day we woke up on 4.30am and start the day with breakfast,exercise,and another stuff like cek alat.the second day we do materi navigasi terbuka like how we know our location and destination,and there were back azimuth,azimuth.And if we want to do navigasi terbuka we need compas,map,stationary like pencil,ruler,etc after we do materi navigasi terbuka we made  a lunch but we make our lunch together in this point we learn how to be independent,focus,and the importance of communication. In the afternoon we made shelthering again for sleep and made a dinner and change clothes for sleep because our chothes should always dry.
The third day same as the second day but we learn materi navigasi tertutup.For navigasi tertutup we need kunci kompas,kunci kompas is like we make a line and the first person is penerabas,and the second person  is compas man,the third person is stringline.
The fourth day we learn materi SAR (search and rescue) and PPGD (pertolongan pertama gawat darurat) in materi SAR we learn how to be like team SAR such like seaching a victim.In materi PPGD we learn how to make tandu we need simpul tali like simpul pangkal,jangkar,and pita.And how to save victim.
The fifth day we learn about biologi praktis and we are in survival so we have to find food material that were there like paku tiang,cacing,jantung pisang,begonia,and honje.And the afternoon we make bivak alam in a group so we need to find the material like daun pisang,batang pohon and sulur for make the frame.
the sixth day we make a trap, there are many kinds of trap like menjerat,meninpa,memukul,and menusuk.And the afternoon we make bivak ponco again but by yourself so it’s kinda hard because we usually work together but in this time we work in person so I find the material for bivak alam and that time I kinda stress because difficulty to find the material and it was raining too that make  me cold
and the seventh day in the morning not as usual we are  awakened at around 7.00 am. and like usual we make our breakfast but that time it was our last time we make our food. and after all we do cekalat for the last time because we will do a long march but after that we make sure our vedples is full of water.We start our long march at a noon.We walk out of the woods and the view is changing into the tea plantation and its all green and we enter again to the woods the track is so steep and we need to focus.And it doesn’t feel like we’ve walked until 11.30 pm and we rest for dimmer we eat bubur manado that given.After that we continue our long march in this track its different between the first one the track is rock and mud.During long march I really stress because i feel so tired because my feet is achy and I feel so sleepy because its midnight,and finally we arrived at 4.30 am.Imagine that we’ve walked for like 18hours its crazy. after that we sleep just 1 hour and we woke up and the last day its the most challenging and tiring day because we have “berjalan jongkok” and “merayap” using carrier in the mud.After all of that we run to the field and make a line and turn around when we’re turn around there were our parents and panitia.And it was ceremony of “pelantikan anggota muda jamadagni ke 44” and i’m very happy and proud.
After pendidikan dasar i only have 4 days off until 6 january so I use it for rest at home.
That’s my holiday.


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